Spanish Dictionary

Translation of amble in Spanish

to amble     andar    

Translation by Vocabulix


All sorts of people were sitting in the restaurant, locals as well as foreigners. One could see that the city had some modern places too and that it was not the Vietnam we had imagined.
If you have trouble in expressing something just write it down first. This site is very helpful to learn languages. I think it's very good to have conversations with other people. Take care.
In the late afternoon we took a taxi back to Cusco, which we shared with a nice Spanish couple. My wife who was mainly concerned with our sleeping conditions took the address of their hotel.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of amble   [ ambled, ambled ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of andar
ando  andas  anda  andamos  andáis  andan  andaba  andabas  andaba  andábamos  andabais  andaban  anduve  anduviste  anduvo  anduvimos  anduvisteis  anduvieron  andaré  andarás  andará  andaremos  andaréis  andarán