Spanish Dictionary

Translation of American in Spanish

the American     el americano    ; el norteamericano    
American      estadounidense     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The American Civil War confederate soldiers wore grey uniforms.

Los soldados confederados de la Guerra Civil estadounidense tenían uniformes grises.
He has the franchise of a famous American fast-food restaurant. Tiene la franquicia de un famoso restaurante de comida rápida de Estados Unidos.
Some American sitcoms are hilarious. Algunas comedias estadounidenses son hilarantes.
american norteamericano; estadounidense; americano
United States American Estados Unidos
North-American norteamericano
American, US estadounidense
American americana

I am Spanish Teacher. I graduated last year, in August. I studied mostly in Germany. I have been working for nine months as a teacher in many language schools but soon I will be a student again.
We had a great first impression of the people in Cambodia. We were expecting that people would like to take advantage of us but it wasn't the case at all. Our driver for example was very kind.
We walked almost every alley in Cusco, stunned by its beauty and ignoring the developing altitude thickness, which resulted in the most horrible night of our lives.
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