Spanish Dictionary

Translation of anarchy in Spanish

the anarchy     la anarquía    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
No society can live in anarchy.

Ninguna sociedad puede vivir en la anarquía.

There were a lot of souvenir shops inside the palace which spoiled the atmosphere a little bit. Monkeys were also sitting around and begging for food. We took some close-up images of them.
I was very busy during the last month. I had to write some letters to find a new job. Thanks for your message yesterday evening! Where do you life in the USA? I have never been there, not yet, buy I will one day.
After a while a truck drove by. The driver offered us a ride on the back of the truck. We jumped in. A little later we were back in the hotel, exhausted and hungry. It was time for another great meal.
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