Spanish Dictionary

Translation of clean in Spanish

to clean      limpiar     
clean      limpio     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
You have to clean the gutter because it is full of leaves.

Tienes que limpiar el canalón porque está lleno de hojas.
The musician cleaned his trumpet mouthpiece. El músico limpió la boquilla de su trompeta.
The septic tank needs to be cleaned urgently. Hay que limpiar la fosa séptica con urgencia.
to clean the apartment limpiar el apartamento
clean house limpiar la casa
clean limpio; puro; limpiar

I am from Los Angeles California, i live in Manhattan NYC, i like to photography and art. I am learning English for my work and I should have a study partner in order to learn English a little quicker. Do you agree?
We were considering flying to the same region again: we thought of going to Brazil, Venezuela or Guatemala. We were asking a lot of friends on their travel experiences to these countries.
These are very nice birds. What kind of birds are these? I have a little cat and she is so cute, I just love him. I hope that you have a nice week. Here the weather is very good, a lot of sun.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of clean   [ cleaned, cleaned ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of limpiar
limpio  limpias  limpia  limpiamos  limpiáis  limpian  limpiaba  limpiabas  limpiaba  limpiábamos  limpiabais  limpiaban  limpié  limpiaste  limpió  limpiamos  limpiasteis  limpiaron  limpiaré  limpiarás  limpiará  limpiaremos  limpiaréis  limpiarán