Spanish Dictionary

Translation of approve in Spanish

to approve     aprobar    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The Board approved a salary raise for the employees.

La Junta aprobó un incremento salarial para los empleados.
to accept; to approve; to agree to aceptar
to approve aprobar

All sorts of people were sitting in the restaurant, locals as well as foreigners. One could see that the city had some modern places too and that it was not the Vietnam we had imagined.
Do you want learn Spanish? Do you have a telephone? I am looking forward to hearing from you and sorry again, I was extremely busy during the last three weeks. I hope you can forgive me.
The bus left on time to the border town Tacna. Crossing the border was also an experience. We needed to show our passports about seven or eight times and were checked for goods three times.
People also searched for: balloon    blackboard    burnt    chandelier    colonel    correction    decaffeinated    dive    eliminate    expire   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of approve   [ approved, approved ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of aprobar
apruebo  apruebas  aprueba  aprobamos  aprobáis  aprueban  aprobaba  aprobabas  aprobaba  aprobábamos  aprobabais  aprobaban  aprobé  aprobaste  aprobó  aprobamos  aprobasteis  aprobaron  aprobaré  aprobarás  aprobará  aprobaremos  aprobaréis  aprobarán