Spanish Dictionary

Translation of ascend in Spanish

to ascend     ascender    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
They ascended the steps to the top of the pyramid to watch the scenery around it.

Subieron los escalones hasta la cima de la pirámide para observar el paisaje que la rodeaba.
ascend; climb remontar

All sorts of people were sitting in the restaurant, locals as well as foreigners. One could see that the city had some modern places too and that it was not the Vietnam we had imagined.
Thank you for your kind mail. I guess that we are friends now! The last winter was extremely cold. Now in Summer the weather is nice. My English is terrible but i hope that you will give me a chance.
We arrived at the airport two hours prior to our flight with no seat guaranteed. As these are local flights, the counters open just 1 hour before take-off. The alternative root would be by bus.
People also searched for: battle    book    calm    china    complement    crane    dentist    drill    engineer    fake   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of ascend   [ ascended, ascended ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of ascender
asciendo  asciendes  asciende  ascendemos  ascendéis  ascienden  ascendía  ascendías  ascendía  ascendíamos  ascendíais  ascendían  ascendí  ascendiste  ascendió  ascendimos  ascendisteis  ascendieron  ascenderé  ascenderás  ascenderá  ascenderemos  ascenderéis  ascenderán