Spanish Dictionary

Translation of ban in Spanish

to ban     proscribir    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
In some countries the government bans the use of Internet by its citizens.

En algunos países el Gobierno proscribe el uso de Internet por parte de sus ciudadanos.

All sorts of people were sitting in the restaurant, locals as well as foreigners. One could see that the city had some modern places too and that it was not the Vietnam we had imagined.
His name was Samy and he offered to take us to several places. In the beginning we were bothered as he did not stop talking on the way from the airport to the hotel and we thought he tried to sell something.
We decided to make a one day trip to Bolivia, which turned out to be the correct decision. Instead of driving all the way up to the Salar de Uyuni, we stayed close to Chile and visited the area of the lagoons.
People also searched for: be mistaken    berth    biz    bolt    branching    brunch    by heart    canvas    catalogue    chamber   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of ban   [ banned, banned ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of proscribir
proscribo  proscribes  proscribe  proscribimos  proscribís  proscriben  proscribía  proscribías  proscribía  proscribíamos  proscribíais  proscribían  proscribí  proscribiste  proscribió  proscribimos  proscribisteis  proscribieron  proscribiré  proscribirás  proscribirá  proscribiremos  proscribiréis  proscribirán