Spanish Dictionary

Translation of classify in Spanish

to classify     clasificar    

Translation by Vocabulix


Can you please give me your phone number or I'll give you my phone number. Wish you a nice day, we'll here from each other. Bye. And by the way, my real name is Deborah but my friends just call me Debby.
Just as we finished exploring the temple and were about to leave the big tourist buses arrived. We listened to a Cambodian song played by a group of handicapped musicians and left to see other sites.
Than we took a cab to the actual border crossing. In the cab we took gave a ride to another tourist and with some scary Peruvian guy, who had a bag full of faked CDs. He didn't seem too nice and had many scarves.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of classify   [ classified, classified ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of clasificar
clasifico  clasificas  clasifica  clasificamos  clasificáis  clasifican  clasificaba  clasificabas  clasificaba  clasificábamos  clasificabais  clasificaban  clasifiqué  clasificaste  clasificó  clasificamos  clasificasteis  clasificaron  clasificaré  clasificarás  clasificará  clasificaremos  clasificaréis  clasificarán