Spanish Dictionary

Translation of condemn in Spanish

to condemn      condenar     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The rapist was condemned to twenty years in jail.

El violador fue condenado a veinte años de cárcel.
They were accused of treason and condemned to be hanged until dead. Ellos fueron acusados de traición y condenados a morir en la horca.
to convict; to condemn condenar

There are very cheap language courses at the stores in Germany, but they aren't all good. At our school we have private clases. 60 min costs 20 Eur and 45 min 15 Eur. If you are interested, I can book it for you.
I wish you would help me to improve my Spanish. I am studying law in Germany and I am trying to learn Spanish. I hope you can help me and I could help you to learn German. Have a great day.
Dinner was nothing special in this town and the restaurant wasn't either. Most waiters and the owner himself were more interested in Chile's qualifying soccer game than in their guests.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of condemn   [ condemned, condemned ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of condenar
condeno  condenas  condena  condenamos  condenáis  condenan  condenaba  condenabas  condenaba  condenábamos  condenabais  condenaban  condené  condenaste  condenó  condenamos  condenasteis  condenaron  condenaré  condenarás  condenará  condenaremos  condenaréis  condenarán