Spanish Dictionary

Translation of decrease in Spanish

to decrease     decrecer    ; disminuir    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The audibility rank decreases with age.

El rango de audibilidad baja con la edad.
to cause decrease mermar(1)
decrease el decenso
decrease disminuir

After dinner we walked back and saw some interesting sites and shops on the way. Everything was quite impressive, as always in a new country. We entered the hotel and took an elevator to our room.
Next week I will go with my girlfriend to our local market. There is a nice party there, similar to the "Oktoberfest" in Munich. There you can have party and we want to drink some beer and dance on the tables.
Than we took a cab to the actual border crossing. In the cab we took gave a ride to another tourist and with some scary Peruvian guy, who had a bag full of faked CDs. He didn't seem too nice and had many scarves.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of decrease   [ decreased, decreased ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of disminuir
disminuyo  disminuyes  disminuye  disminuimos  disminuís  disminuyen  disminuía  disminuías  disminuía  disminuíamos  disminuíais  disminuían  disminuí  disminuiste  disminuyó  disminuimos  disminuisteis  disminuyeron  disminuiré  disminuirás  disminuirá  disminuiremos  disminuiréis  disminuirán