Spanish Dictionary

Translation of farm in Spanish

the farm     la granja    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He produces goat cheese on his farm.

Él produce queso de cabra en su granja.
The farm is beyond that hill. La granja está más allá de esa colina.
They buy fresh eggs at a farm not far away from their house. Ellos compran huevos frescos en una granja no muy lejos de su casa.
farm la granja; la finca; la hacienda
farm finca

I love it during vacation and being in the mountains. There it is like being in a dreamland. Everything is covered with snow and is bright and white. You get up at eight in the morning for breakfast.
For link partners who put our link on their main page, we insert the partner's 'logo' and info in the book on an entire page. let us know if you are interested in this option. Waiting for your answer.
On the way back I visited a private beach resort. I just wanted to see whether I could get in and it was not a problem at all. The resort belonged to some club on the main land near Cancun.
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