Spanish Dictionary

Translation of fog in Spanish

the fog      la niebla     
the fog     la neblina    ; la niebla    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The fog was so thick that driving was difficult.

La niebla era tan espesa que era difícil manejar.
The fog was dense and dark. La niebla era espesa y oscura.
There is fog. Hay niebla.

One hour later people were starting to leave and we did not exactly understand why. We took another drink and I paid the bar man cash. Later it turned out that the change he gave me would be fake money.
I am doing nothing at the moment, i am just watching TV... what kind of TV shows do you like? I'm sorry but i don't have Skype, but I guess we can still stay in touch like this, using the Vocabulix chat system.
And we could not see a thing outside the bus. The bus stopped two hours later at 11pm at our final destination, San Pedro. We took our backpacks and left the bus. The bus drove away into the dark night.
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