Spanish Dictionary

Translation of freeze in Spanish

to freeze      congelarse     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
This casserole is too big, so I will freeze half of it.

Este guiso es demasiado grande, así que voy a congelar la mitad.
to freeze congelar
freeze helada

I am from Los Angeles California, i live in Manhattan NYC, i like to photography and art. I am learning English for my work and I should have a study partner in order to learn English a little quicker. Do you agree?
Well I take Spanish classes in college, that's the only useful language they offer, but if they had French I would be taking French. It sounds so nice. I have been lazy lately and I'm not really good at it.
Originally we planned to stay in Santiago for one day but due to her illness we prolonged our stay for two days. I walked around the city by myself, always staying close to the hotel.
Most common translations: goods    have to    hundred and one    invent    late    loud    middle    negotiate    optimistic    pear   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of freeze   [ froze, frozen ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of congelarse
[me congelado]
me congelo  te congelas  se congela  nos congelamos  os congeláis  se congelan  me congelaba  te congelabas  se congelaba  nos congelábamos  os congelabais  se congelaban  me congelé  te congelaste  se congeló  nos congelamos  os congelasteis  se congelaron  me congelaré  te congelarás  se congelará  nos congelaremos  os congelaréis  se congelarán