Spanish Dictionary

Translation of highlight in Spanish

to highlight     destacar    

Translation by Vocabulix


I'm Ricky. I am learning English at school here in Switzerland and at the same time I am learning Italian. You writing skills are very good. Where did you go on your last vacation? See you next week.
I have not received your contact request at MSN yet, but I will look it up tonight. My user name is the same as it is here. What it your user name there, also the same as on this website?
Thanks again for your letter. For now, the weather here is like it is in your country, ice cold. I will write you a letter in Spanish and in English. So you can compare the sentences.
Users were interested in: incomplete    just    liar    marker    morning    not    paint    picture    price    raven   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of highlight   [ highlighted, highlighted ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of destacar
destaco  destacas  destaca  destacamos  destacáis  destacan  destacaba  destacabas  destacaba  destacábamos  destacabais  destacaban  destaqué  destacaste  destacó  destacamos  destacasteis  destacaron  destacaré  destacarás  destacará  destacaremos  destacaréis  destacarán