Spanish Dictionary

Translation of destacar

destacar     to emphasize    ; to stand out
destacar     to highlight    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Es importante destacar la importancia de este proyecto.

It is important to emphasize the significance of this project.
destacar to emphasize

We are building the page. Did you have a chance to create the page with our code (cookie) that will redirect to Once we have all the files we'll go live!
When I finally arrived at my destination I still had the task of finding an accommodation. As my acquaintances where with me we started looking together, however we discovered that we were not on the same budget.
I put your lessons online. It gives you around 20 visitors daily at the moment. The lesson is shown only to specific users and only in the vocab builder section, as it is a trial. We see how it goes.
Most common translations: deshidratación    desatar    demora    decidirse    cuñado    cuatrocientos    crecimiento    coronar    contradictorio    conseguir   

Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of destacar
destaco  destacas  destaca  destacamos  destacáis  destacan  destacaba  destacabas  destacaba  destacábamos  destacabais  destacaban  destaqué  destacaste  destacó  destacamos  destacasteis  destacaron  destacaré  destacarás  destacará  destacaremos  destacaréis  destacarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of emphasize   [ emphasized, emphasized ]
Conjugation of highlight   [ highlighted, highlighted ]