Spanish Dictionary

Translation of inadmissible in Spanish

inadmissible     inadmisible    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
This evidence is inadmissible in court.

Esta evidencia es inadmisible en un tribunal.

I know it is a little confusing. The problem is if the original word is a conjugated verb: I skipped them until now. I did not write it in my explanations. It actually must be skipped. Thanks for noticing.
I'm quite tired too by now. So, if it doesn't work just drop me an email and I'll see it first thing in the morning. I wanted to add new words to the dictionary however the other issues kept me more busy than I have imagined.
I attended a Spanish course in Malaga, but I need more practice and speak more often (and write of course). Here in Germany it is a bit difficult to learn Spanish because we do not have the chance to practice.
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