Spanish Dictionary

Translation of invoke in Spanish

to invoke     invocar    

Translation by Vocabulix


We felt a little dumb and waited for the hot water. The boiler seemed not to work and we started to become upset. We asked the technician to come once again and he admitted his mistake.
I hope you can understand my English. I want to study English over the Internet! Sorry for not having written you during the last few days, but I am starting a new job on Monday and gotta relax till than.
Than we took a cab to the actual border crossing. In the cab we took gave a ride to another tourist and with some scary Peruvian guy, who had a bag full of faked CDs. He didn't seem too nice and had many scarves.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of invoke   [ invoked, invoked ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of invocar
invoco  invocas  invoca  invocamos  invocáis  invocan  invocaba  invocabas  invocaba  invocábamos  invocabais  invocaban  invoqué  invocaste  invocó  invocamos  invocasteis  invocaron  invocaré  invocarás  invocará  invocaremos  invocaréis  invocarán