Spanish Dictionary

Translation of invest in Spanish

to invest     invertir    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
The municipality invested a lot of money to make streets safer.

El municipio invirtió mucho dinero para hacer que las calles sean más seguras.
The company uses leverage to be able to invest more money. La empresa utiliza apalancamiento para poder invertir más dinero.
to put, place, invest colocar
place, put, invest colocar
to invest invertir

We felt a little dumb and waited for the hot water. The boiler seemed not to work and we started to become upset. We asked the technician to come once again and he admitted his mistake.
I wish you a good trip, when you come to Germany in June! How do you long stay in Berlin? Please help me with my English, in return I will help you with your German. Wish you a nice day!
The bus left on time to the border town Tacna. Crossing the border was also an experience. We needed to show our passports about seven or eight times and were checked for goods three times.
Users were interested in: jeweler    kettledrum    lampshade    leeway    lightly    lodge    lustrous    mandarin    masochism    mediocrity   

English Verbs    
Conjugation of invest   [ invested, invested ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of invertir
invierto  inviertes  invierte  invertimos  invertís  invierten  invertía  invertías  invertía  invertíamos  invertíais  invertían  invertí  invertiste  invirtió  invertimos  invertisteis  invirtieron  invertiré  invertirás  invertirá  invertiremos  invertiréis  invertirán