Spanish Dictionary

Translation of issue in Spanish

to issue     emitir    
the issue     el asunto    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
This issue takes precedence over all others.

Esta cuestión tiene prioridad sobre todo lo demás.
After the seizure of the murderer, the police issued a press release. Después de la captura del asesino, la policía emitió un comunicado de prensa.
The journalist turned on the recorder to record what the veteran politician had to say on the issue. El periodista encendió la grabadora para grabar lo que el veterano político tenía que decir sobre el tema.

He was asking the doormen to let us and our friends from Holland in, and so they did. In addition, the guy we met was paying our entrance or got us a free entrance. We do not know and probably never will.
We joined the mass and climbed it. The stones were a little slippery and I doubt that this place is accident free. Climbing big slippery stones was not an easy task but we managed it slowly.
I just wrote an extremely long blog item but it took so long that I got logged out. I'm too lazy to write again or to write anything at all, so that I will postpone my blog entry to next week.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of issue   [ issued, issued ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of emitir
emito  emites  emite  emitimos  emitís  emiten  emitía  emitías  emitía  emitíamos  emitíais  emitían  emití  emitiste  emitió  emitimos  emitisteis  emitieron  emitiré  emitirás  emitirá  emitiremos  emitiréis  emitirán