Spanish Dictionary
Thanks for the advice but I know this web site. I'm always open to suggestions. Tell me how can I help you with the correct form of words. This is very important owing to the feedback.
Once at the top we asked ourselves what this was all about. The site from the top was beautiful but it lacked atmosphere and the sunset was not that spectacular at all in our opinion.
The next morning, we got up at 5, had breakfast and headed back to the same airport where we landed a few hours earlier. The 1 hour flight was packed with lots of tourists of all ages, mainly Americans.
Once at the top we asked ourselves what this was all about. The site from the top was beautiful but it lacked atmosphere and the sunset was not that spectacular at all in our opinion.
The next morning, we got up at 5, had breakfast and headed back to the same airport where we landed a few hours earlier. The 1 hour flight was packed with lots of tourists of all ages, mainly Americans.