Spanish Dictionary

Translation of neck in Spanish

the neck     el cuello    
the neck     el escote    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He was laughed at because he had a hickey on his neck.

Se rieron de él porque tenía un chupón en el cuello.
Giraffes are tall and have long necks. Las jirafas son altas y tienen el cuello largo.
Swans are birds that swim and fly and have elegant, long necks. Los cisnes son aves con elegantes cuellos largos que nadan y vuelan.
the neck, collar el cuello

The airport was huge, compared to Siem Reap's one, of course. We expected something similar to Bangkok's airfield but it was completely different. We stood in line for the passport control.
We had a great first impression of the people in Cambodia. We were expecting that people would like to take advantage of us but it wasn't the case at all. Our driver for example was very kind.
While waiting for the counter to open, my wife developed a stomach ache. The plane took of at around 4 or 5 pm and landed around 2 hours later at the airport of Santiago de Chile. It was already dark.
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