Spanish Dictionary

Translation of plural in Spanish

the plural     el plural    

Translation by Vocabulix


they are; you (plural) are son
Welcome ...plural bienvenidos
the sheep -plural las ovejas
any (plural) cualesquier
Welche (plural) cuales
such (plural) tales

Thanks for the message. I hope that your friend here in England will soon be feeling better. If you decide to come at another time, I would be very pleased to meet you here. You can sleep at my place.
I have many hobbies. I like to go to the movies (thriller), I am enjoying to hear the radio, and I like to meet friends for coffee, I like to read and I like to watch DVDs at my house.
I have been studying Hungarian for one month. I also speak English, German and Latin. Hungarian would be my fourth language, and it gives me headache. I still can not say anything, not even one word.
Do you know the meaning of? prosperous    register    sacrifice    sesame    slow    spy    sun    tenth    toward    unite