Spanish Dictionary

Translation of poison in Spanish

to poison     envenenar    
the poison      el veneno     

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Cyanide is a very dangerous poison.

El cianuro es un veneno muy peligroso.
That viper is very dangerous because its poison is lethal. Esa víbora es muy peligrosa porque su veneno es letal.
He was given an antidote against the snake poison. Le dieron un antídoto para el veneno de víbora.

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A band was playing Peruvian music while we were waiting for our luggage. The altitude is immediately felt: Dark blue skies and thin air, which won't let you climb stairs without having to take a few breaks.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of poison   [ poisoned, poisoned ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of envenenar
enveneno  envenenas  envenena  envenenamos  envenenáis  envenenan  envenenaba  envenenabas  envenenaba  envenenábamos  envenenabais  envenenaban  envenené  envenenaste  envenenó  envenenamos  envenenasteis  envenenaron  envenenaré  envenenarás  envenenará  envenenaremos  envenenaréis  envenenarán