Spanish Dictionary

Translation of road in Spanish

the road     el camino    ; la vía    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
This road is bumpy.

Este camino tiene muchos desniveles.
When this road forks two kilometers ahead, go to the left. Cuando este camino se bifurque dos kilómetros más adelante, vaya a la izquierda.
The drivers on the road were afraid of the hitchhiker and didn't pick him up. Los conductores en la carretera tenían miedo del autoestopista y no lo levantaban.
toll road la carretera de peaje
the road la carretera

This site was one of the country's most famous places as Tomb Rider with Angelina Jolie was filmed there. It was built like a pyramid with many stairs and little towers. The place was called Angkor Thom.
The books had cost only two or three dollars, cheap even for second hand books and after buying them I discovered that these were actually copied books and not used books. It was too late.
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