Spanish Dictionary

Translation of student in Spanish

the student      el estudiante     
the student     la estudiante    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
He is an exemplary student.

Es un estudiante ejemplar.
The average student studies only the minimum to pass the exams. El estudiante promedio estudia sólo el mínimo para aprobar los exámenes.
Students wear traditional academic dresses and caps at their graduation. Los estudiantes en su graduación usan los vestidos académicos y los birretes tradicionales.
the student el estudiante; el alumno
She's a student Ella es estudiante
desk (student's) el pupitre
student boy el estudiante
a student desk un pupitre
student (male) el alumno
student - boy el alumno
pupil; student alumno

We entered the club which started to fill up around mid-night. The atmosphere was great and many handsome men and beautiful women were dancing on the different floors of the club. We were upstairs.
I have studied at the faculty of Engineering. Just tell me about your difficulties and I'll try to help you. I would really like to help you with learning English. Kind regards and speak to you soon.
After a while a truck drove by. The driver offered us a ride on the back of the truck. We jumped in. A little later we were back in the hotel, exhausted and hungry. It was time for another great meal.
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