Spanish Dictionary

Translation of tienda

la tienda     En esta tienda se puede comprar casi todo. the store     In this store they sell almost everything.
la tienda     the shop    ; the store    ; the tent    

Pronunciation of tienda    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
El centro comercial anunció nuevos descuentos en todas sus tiendas para fin de mes.

The mall advertised new discounts in all the stores for the end of the month.
Quiso manifestar su descontento con su compra al gerente de la tienda. She wanted to express her discontent over her purchase to the manager of the store.
No pude encontrar el repuesto en ninguna tienda, pero un tornero me lo hizo. I couldn't find that part in any store, but a turner made it for me.
la tienda shop

Only an independent observer would be able to judge nature, for example God. In this poem the independent power is the witch who cooks her soup of nature, she knows what ingredients she needs to add.
Most are just afraid of the unknown and see the unknown as a threat to their stabilty. Can one blame them? I think you can blame them. It is the fault of the ones that are scared to improve and learn.
We booked a tour for the next two days, one on a boat and the other on foot. In one of the agencies we met a nice couple and decided to stay in touch with them and have dinner together.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of shop   [ shopped, shopped ]
Conjugation of store   [ stored, stored ]