Spanish Dictionary

Tomar in English

tomar     Tomo el autobús. to take     I take the bus.
tomar     to take    ; to drink    

Pronunciation of tomar    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Mark Twain tomó su seudónimo de la forma en que los marineros del río Misisipi decían 'marque dos'.

Mark Twain took his pseudonym from the way the sailors of the Mississippi river said mark two.
Tienes que tomar un autobús suburbano para llegar allí. You have to take a suburban bus to get there.
El ladrón tomó su bolso y salió corriendo. The snatcher took her purse and ran away.
tomar parte en to take part in
tomar apuntes to take notes
tomar el sol to sunbathe
tomar to drink to have
tomar to consider

I just got back from 3 very successful and intensive weeks in China. Sorry I couldn't help, but thanks for your interest. Maybe in the future we can study together with Vocabulix. Take care.
Once they see a foreign person, their primitive thoughts come up and they start to hate and dislike without any actual reason. Whose fault is this hate? Is the fault of the ones who are afraid.
The young women rowed towards us and tried to sell food and souvenirs. We were not interested and she tried to block us and prevent us from swimming back to our vessel. So we dove beneath her.
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Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of tomar
tomo  tomas  toma  tomamos  tomáis  toman  tomaba  tomabas  tomaba  tomábamos  tomabais  tomaban  tomé  tomaste  tomó  tomamos  tomasteis  tomaron  tomaré  tomarás  tomará  tomaremos  tomaréis  tomarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of drink   [ drank, drunk ]
Conjugation of take   [ took, taken ]