Spanish Dictionary

Translation of tras

tras     after    ; behind    

Pronunciation of tras    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Tras su embarazo ectópico le extirparon un ovario.

After her ectopic pregnancy one of her ovaries was removed.
Los cazadores fueron tras el zorro con la ayuda de sus perros. The hunters went after the fox with the help of their hounds.
Sufrió una conmoción cerebral tras el accidente automovilístico. He suffered a concussion after the car accident.
tras; detrás de(2); después de(1) after, behind
tras after, behind
tras after

I fell asleep but woke up in the middle of the night. My stomach turned upside down and I could not hold myself anymore. I needed to vomit and ran to the bathroom. This occurred three times.
My experience at Vocabulix has been great. I really think that this site has helped me a lot in improving my Spanish language skills. I believe that I could learn here several other languages.
The following day we took a boat trip to see the Los Glaciares National Park, where many glaciers formed hugh lakes. Many ice bergs were floating in these lakes and some of them had bizarre light blue colors.
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