Spanish Dictionary

Translation of trenza

la trenza     the plait    ; the braid    

Pronunciation of trenza    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Tenía las trenzas rubias largas y gruesas que la hacían parecerse a una diosa de la mitología alemana.

She had long thick blond braids that made her look like a mythological German goddess.

Not only will the trip be a success for LIF but for many students it will be a great experience too. We do not care about the stories about us which have been published during the last few months.
The place I have been to is famous for its many language schools. People come from all over the world to learn Spanish and practise their language skills. I guess there are more than two hundred schools there.
we have added the logo. However we changed it, because the original did not look good. The text could not be read, and it would not fit into the book page. I hope you are satisfied nonetheless.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of braid   [ braided, braided ]
Conjugation of plait   [ plaited, plaited ]