Spanish Dictionary

Translation of vacuna

la vacuna     the vaccine    

Pronunciation of vacuna    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Uruguay exporta carne vacuna y arroz a Europa.

Uruguay exports beef and rice to Europe.
Hoy no se vacuna a los niños contra la viruela. Children today are not vaccinated against the smallpox.
Las vacunas ayudan a prevenir las epidemias. Vaccines help to prevent epidemics.
la vacuna vaccine

A bystander who watched the entire scene all the time decided to help me. He was an older man, around seventy, but nonetheless he went to the oldest of these kids and slapped him. The boy was sixteen.
The place I have been to is famous for its many language schools. People come from all over the world to learn Spanish and practise their language skills. I guess there are more than two hundred schools there.
After a short guided tour we came back to pick up our luggage and left to the airport. When the airplane took off it was already dark outside. We were surprised about the airline's good condition and service.
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