Spanish Dictionary

Vale in English

vale     Vale, estoy de acuerdo. ok     OK, I agree.
vale     Okay    ; alright    
el vale     the token    

Pronunciation of vale    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Cuando el mar está lleno de medusas más vale no bañarse.

When the sea is crowded with jellyfish you'd better not bathe.
Ella pensaba que tenía un anillo de diamantes, pero en realidad el anillo no vale nada. She thought that she had a diamond ring, but actually the ring is worthless.
¿Cuánto vale el yen respecto del dólar? How much is a yen regarding a dollar?

We can recognize the facts and how they are. So we might observe a lot of things but we will never understand, we will never know why the flower is red, what brought the little aninal to that height.
In addition, after the tests I would like to give also a presentation to some of the teachers, as usually the different ideas come with the presentation. After speaking with them, some ideas emerge...
We walked by waterfalls and rivers, but the water was too cold to swimm in. The hike made us tired and we were in the valley, which meant that we had to climb up again. The climb was difficult.
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