Spanish Dictionary

Translation of vigor

el vigor     the energy    ; the force    ; the vigor    

Pronunciation of vigor    

Translation by Vocabulix


After next week, I will tutor the Mr. Zillmay from the language lab in Los Angeles, he is currently in the states. The lesson will take place in LA, but it may be held no earlier than mid-February.
It is called Facebook viral marketing. I'm 62 and it's somewhat mystifying, but my two boys are using it continuously. What I'm a bit afraid of is the personal information they send to everybody. It has no privacy.
To me this seems quite nice. I understand everything, write me, either in English, Spanish or German. I'll write again later - now I have to go to my wife, she's been waiting for me outside.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of force   [ forced, forced ]