Spanish Dictionary

Translation of exportar

exportar      to export     

Pronunciation of exportar    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Uruguay exporta carne vacuna y arroz a Europa.

Uruguay exports beef and rice to Europe.

What steered the little fly to the plant? Naturally, we do not know the answer. The human being cannot understand nature because he is part of it, he is inside it. Therefore he cannot judge objectively.
I have your letter sitting on my desk. But, in the last 2 months I have been working on some projects which were very time consuming. I will not be able to start anything new before October or November.
We arrived without any more power back in the village of Sapa and went for dinner right away. We went to bed early, because of the physical exercise and because we did not sleep well a night earlier.
Most common translations: evitar    estofar    espuela    escénico    erróneo    ensordecer    endoso    emperador    elefante    dureza   

Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of exportar
exporto  exportas  exporta  exportamos  exportáis  exportan  exportaba  exportabas  exportaba  exportábamos  exportabais  exportaban  exporté  exportaste  exportó  exportamos  exportasteis  exportaron  exportaré  exportarás  exportará  exportaremos  exportaréis  exportarán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of export   [ exported, exported ]