German Dictionary

Translation of beeinflussen

beeinflussen  to influence     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Die Formulierung ihres Mottos schien die Mitgliedschaft negativ zu beeinflussen.

The wording of their motto seemed to affect their membership negatively.
etwas beeinflussen (to) to affect something
schwanken; beeinflussen; beherrschen sway
beeinflussen; in Schwung bringen leverage
beeinflussen; Einfluss to influence
beeinflussen effect

Since Joseph is convinced of the coming success, he suggests to leave the machine in Canada for another 2 months (at no cost of course!). I think that they learned a lot through your project.
I think that subconsciously she means that her pregnancy has become a white eleph. But even though she compares her pregnancy with the large, grey animal a moment later she regrets it and says it.
We again connected to the same people and we were wining a little about the fact that we had to share the boat with around seventy other passengers instead of getting a little romantic private tour.
People also searched for: auswechseln    ausgebreitet    aufheben    antworten    angenehm    aleatorisch    abspritzen    abführen    Zwang    Zoologin   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of beeinflussen
beeinflusse  beeinflußt  beeinflußt  beeinflussen  beeinflußt  beeinflussen  beeinflußte  beeinflußtest  beeinflußte  beeinflußten  beeinflußtet  beeinflußten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of influence   [ influenced, influenced ]