German Dictionary

Translation of drucken

drucken  to print     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Wir drucken zufällige Bilder unseres letzten Urlaubes in Frankreich.

We are printing off random pictures of our last holiday in France.
drucken; ausdrucken to print; to print out
Drucken To press/To pinch
drucken to print

Do you need them as hard or soft copy? Donna, I forgot I can't on Wednesday... My family is coming for the weekend. Maybe we can do it one week later? I am kindly asking you to tell also Harry.
The belief of somebody that a race or a group of people to which he belongs is superior to another. Even though the word itself stems from the word 'race', its meaning must be generalized.
The fans in the stadium was so much better than any fans in Europe. The atmosphere was pure football and people did not stop singing for ninety minutes regardless of the score. Outside the stadium there was smell of Asado.
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German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of drucken
drucke  druckst  druckt  drucken  druckt  drucken  druckte  drucktest  druckte  druckten  drucktet  druckten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of print   [ printed, printed ]