German Dictionary

Translation of Lehre

die Lehre the science    ; the teaching    ; the apprenticeship    

Translation by Vocabulix


Eine Lehre ablegen to serve an apprenticeship; to serve a traineeship
Lehrling; eine Lehre machen an apprentice; do an apprenticeship
die Ausbildung; die Lehre the apprenticeship
Ausbildung; Lehre training course
Volkswirtschafts(lehre) economics
Ausbildung, Lehre apprenticeship
ausbildung lehre apprenticeship
Lehrzeit, Lehre apprenticeship
Lehre, Lehrzeit apprenticeship
Lehre, Leder de/het leer
Lehre moral

My name is Michael Jonsan and I am working with Swiss and German companies through the chamber of commerce, mainly in the bio and pharmaceutical markets. I hope that we can learn languages together.
The bus was supposed to leave at around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, so that I still had two to three hours to organize. I went for lunch at some strange place and hardly ate as it was too ugly.
We spent the entire day doing nothing, just waiting for the night train which would take us into the northern mountain area of Vietnam, close to the Chinese border. The train left at around ten.
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