German Dictionary

Translation of nähern

nähern  to near     
nähern to approach    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Der Attentäter näherte sich seinem Ziel sehr langsam zu.

The assassin approached his target slowly.
Zwei Blässhühner flatterten davon, als unser Boot sich ihnen näherte. Two coots fluttered away when our boat came near them.
sich nähern; Herrannahen; Zugang approach
nähern to approximate; aproximar; acercar
sich nähern, herkommen to approach

Last weekend some friends of mine and I took a trip to the North-West of Massachussets to see the leaves which have changed their colors. All over the world people talk about the autumn in Boston.
The letter and the date are fine. Let me know how many people are interested. I cannot promise that it will work. The size however is OK. It is worth a trial, maybe even the ones with Spanish words.
I found a pair of Nike shoes for a bargain and I do not know until this day why those shoes were so cheap. I am sure that they are not fake, as they are great quality. My wife also bought a pair.
More dictionary words neigen    mythologisch    mies    lüstern    leidenschaftlich    kupieren    konservativ    klassifizieren    jemals    inmitten   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of nähern
nähere  näherst  nähert  nähern  nähert  nähern  näherte  nähertest  näherte  näherten  nähertet  näherten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of approach   [ approached, approached ]
Conjugation of near   [ neared, neared ]