German Dictionary

Translation of verschweigen

verschweigen to conceal    

Translation by Vocabulix


So, I have to say that the behavior of the people living in Turkey is very different from most countries in the world. They are very open, kind and funny, sometimes one can think that they are rude.
We had time to walk around the waterfall but refrained from entering the little lake at the bottom. My fellow tourtakers were quiet nice and we spend a while just sitting in the grass near the water.
The same evening we left Patagonia and flew to the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires. We have waited a long time for this moment as we have not been in a city for almost two weeks and we usually love the city.
Check out these translations verknoten    verbrauchen    unverbindlich    unheimlich    unbesiegbar    umbenennen    tiefgreifend    suizidgefährdet    stehen bleiben    sowohlals auch   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of verschweigen
verschweige  verschweigst  verschweigt  verschweigen  verschweigt  verschweigen  verschwieg  verschwiegst  verschwieg  verschwiegen  verschwiegt  verschwiegen     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of conceal   [ concealed, concealed ]