German Dictionary

Translation of wetten

wetten to bet    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Er liebte Pferderennen und ging jeden Tag zum Buchmacher, um zu wetten.

He loved the races and went to the bookie every day to place bets.
wetten; wettete bet; bet
wetten to bet, bet, bet
die Wetten betting
wetten bet,bet,bet
wetten bet

In the meantime I am listening to some Spanish CDs. They are intended for the car, but no one can tell you when to listen to it, how many times and how often. Please understand that I work a lot.
Let me continue to tell you about my adventures. So, as I have told you in my last writing I returned to the airport and scheduled a new date for my flight. This time I left myself five more days.
I connected to a group of people and we played some volleyball, had some drinks and they told me a little about the place and the country in general. I returned to the hostel and took a cold shower.
Check out these translations wankelmütig    vorantreiben    verwechseln    verschiedene    verhandeln    veranstalten    unterschiedlich    ungerade    unbedacht    tschüss   

German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of wetten
wette  wettest  wettet  wetten  wettet  wetten  wettete  wettetest  wettete  wetteten  wettetet  wetteten     
English Verbs    
Conjugation of bet   [ betted, betted ]