German Dictionary

Translation of glimmer in German

to glimmer     schimmern
the glimmer     der Schimmer

Translation by Vocabulix


There are very cheap language courses at the stores in Germany, but they aren't all good. At our school we have private clases. 60 min costs 20 Eur and 45 min 15 Eur. If you are interested, I can book it for you.
The different monuments were located in one big compound in the center. Strangely on the same day that we have visited there the prime minister of Thailand came for a visit in the same area.
At the third or fourth guesthouse we finally took a room. Of course the hot water would not work, and luckily we were upgraded to a terrific, huge room with balcony and garden. It was a very charming place.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of glimmer   [ glimmered, glimmered ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of schimmern
schimmere  schimmerst  schimmert  schimmern  schimmert  schimmern  schimmerte  schimmertest  schimmerte  schimmerten  schimmertet  schimmerten