German Dictionary

Translation of imitate in German

to imitate     nachahmen; nachmachen
imitate      imitieren 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Other coffee franchises began to imitate Starbucks.

Andere Kaffeeketten fingen an, Starbucks nachzuahmen.
to parrot; repeat; imitate nachplappern
to imitate; emulate; copy nachahmen
imitate nachmachen, imitieren
imitate nachahmen, imitieren

I'm very interested in learning languages. I'm learning English,German and french as well as Japanese. My native language is Spanish. Yes is very nice living here. What do you think about the Mexican people?
I can understand a little Spanish with the base of Italian and heaps of words sound familiar. I will try to have conversations as much as i can. Just learning the vocabulary and the grammar isn't enough!
Sorry but I hadn't have enough time in the last two weeks to respond to your email and to your interesting offer. I really need to think about it a little longer, and I am sure you'd understand.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of imitate   [ imitated, imitated ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of nachahmen
ahme nach  ahmst nach  ahmt nach  ahmen nach  ahmt nach  ahmen nach  ahmte nach  ahmtest nach  ahmte nach  ahmten nach  ahmtet nach  ahmten nach