German Dictionary

Translation of specify in German

to specify     angeben; spezifizieren

Translation by Vocabulix


specify (genau) angeben
specify genau angeben

Thanks a lot. Today and tomorrow are holidays in Switzerland, but I'll do it Tuesday first thing in the morning...please have a look at it and confirm. Where do you want me to place a reference?
Your name and Larry's name should be underlined and in blue color suggesting a link to your profile (or with a tiny arrow button suggestion a link). All the profiles should have the same theme.
I had imagined my first dinner to be a little different, but I was already here and wanted to make the best out of it. So i ate there and return to my hostel at around ten o'clock at night.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of specify   [ specified, specified ]
German VerbsPresentPast  
Conjugation of angeben
gebe an  gibst an  gibt an  geben an  gebt an  geben an  gab an  gabst an  gab an  gaben an  gabt an  gaben an