German Dictionary

Where in German

where?     Where does he hide? wo? Wo versteckt er sich?
where      wo 

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
One of the policemen was right there, where the bank robbery occurred.

Einer der Polizisten war genau dort, wo der Bankraub geschah.
The sonogram showed exactly where Winfried's thigh muscle was torn. Das Ultraschallbild zeigte genau, wo Winfrieds Oberschenkelmuskel gerissen war.
We suggested it to the subcommittee, where it will be discussed further. Wir schlugen es im Unterausschuss vor, wo es weiter diskutiert werden wird.
Where`s she`s from Woher kommen sie?
Where`s she from? Woher kommt sie?
where were you? Wo warst du?
Where from? Woher, von wo
where was he? wo war er?
Where exactly? Wo denn?
where by wodurch(1)
Where...from? Woher?
where upon worauf

You can stay at my place as much as you like, and it does not cause me any trouble. I love guests. Cool, I guess, and sorry I didn't get back to you in time due to tight schedule. Hope to hear from you soon, best regards from NYC in the US.
Hey. You are online! Pollution means that the air is filthy and that it is hard to breathe. I'm getting much better at German, so please correct me when I am wrong in my language. You're English is actually great.
Breakfast was really nice, since the hotel had a nice buffet and good coffee. We than went to look for a car rental service to get a car for the day. We wanted to drive around the lakes region.
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