Spanish Dictionary

Translation of pestañear

pestañear     to wink    ; to blink    

Pronunciation of pestañear    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Él puede decirte una mentira en la cara sin siquiera pestañear.

He can lie to your face without even blinking.

No one should eat street food in these countries, and neither I should have. It is not that I was not experienced from previous traveling, it is that I had just forgotten it and now I needed to pay for it.
Language education is very important to me, because I really want to communicate with other cultures and people. If I could I would learn all languages: Spanish, German, French, Portuguese and Italian.
We took many images and stayed there for over three hours, just enjoying the view. We finally went back to Kowloon with the subway, where we went to eat Sushi in a vivid, dynamic restaurant.
Do you know the meaning of? perfilar    peinador    paso    paracaídas    pacifista    ordenada    odontólogo    numeroso    nieve    napalm   

Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of pestañear
pestañeo  pestañeas  pestañea  pestañeamos  pestañeáis  pestañean  pestañeaba  pestañeabas  pestañeaba  pestañeábamos  pestañeabais  pestañeaban  pestañeé  pestañeaste  pestañeó  pestañeamos  pestañeasteis  pestañearon  pestañearé  pestañearás  pestañeará  pestañearemos  pestañearéis  pestañearán 
English Verbs    
Conjugation of blink   [ blinked, blinked ]
Conjugation of wink   [ winked, winked ]