Spanish Dictionary

Translation of revancha

la revancha     the revenge    
la revancha     the rematch    

Pronunciation of revancha    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
Perdieron el partido y pidieron la revancha.

They lost the match and asked for revenge.
Pidieron una revancha tras perder el primer juego. They asked for a rematch after losing the first game.

At around seven, it wasn't dark anymore, the mother of the family offered me some tea. I felt so uncomfortable coming to a new family owned casa and vomiting there all night, but I was really sick.
She even compares the hills across the station with the belly of a pregnant woman by saying that they do look like white elephants. Maybe she thinks that way but I am not really sure about that.
I got a nickname. Please answer the questions from my previous email (below), except number 4, which is answered on the Vocabulix's faq page. I am ready to start tomorrow, but i need the info first.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of revenge   [ revenged, revenged ]