Spanish Dictionary
The citizens actually welcomed the shrinking of the population because they thought that the fewer people there are the more place and wealth the rest could share as more resources are available.
Please write me from your home as soon as your are back. My Spanish is better than that of most Americans, but my English is worse than that of most people here. It is a strange position that I am in.
What browser and Operating System are you using? Opera and Windows maybe? We will try to fix the bug. However in Internet Explorer 6 or in Mozilla we did not see it. We will do our best, promised!
Please write me from your home as soon as your are back. My Spanish is better than that of most Americans, but my English is worse than that of most people here. It is a strange position that I am in.
What browser and Operating System are you using? Opera and Windows maybe? We will try to fix the bug. However in Internet Explorer 6 or in Mozilla we did not see it. We will do our best, promised!