Spanish Dictionary

Translation of chip in Spanish

the chip     el chip    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
I like crisp chips.

Me gustan las papas chips crujientes.
to chip ice picar hielo

Thank you for correcting my German, I always get confused with the words that put the verb at the end. Like the zu and the ab and the an... All new to me. I truly wish to continue our friendship.
The memorial consisted of a small museum and monument which was displaying skulls of civil war victims. It was sad, brutal and scary. It is certainly not the place were you would take tourist on day one.
The next morning we got up at 4.30. At sunrise, one hour later, a taxi waited for us in front of the hotel. He would take us on a 2 hours private sightseeing tour around Arequipa, just before traffic started.
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