Spanish Dictionary

Translation of kiss in Spanish

to kiss     besar    
the kiss      el beso     

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
Ere leaving, he kissed her on the forehead.

Antes de irse la besó en la frente.
They kissed under the mistletoe on Christmas day. Se besaron bajo del muérdago el día de Navidad.
The prince woke Snowhite from her slumber with a kiss. El príncipe despertó a Blancanieves de su sueño con un beso.
to kiss off despreciar
to kiss besarse
a kiss un beso

Hello and Dude. I'm great as here in Europe the sixteen best national soccer-teams are playing against each other (it is called Euro). Turkey won the first match last Sunday (1:0). Probably they will win the next match tomorrow.
Try to speak and think in English every time. I have just returned from Europe where I spent a month on holiday. My wife Susan and I went to Barcelona, Madrid and Paris, where we saw lots of beautiful things.
We had a great day in Bolivia and amazing 3 days in the entire area of Northern chile. It was time to move on and we wanted to go South to the capital of Chile. We were so exhausted from our day trip that we immediately fell asleep.
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English Verbs    
Conjugation of kiss   [ kissed, kissed ]
Spanish VerbsPresentPast IIIFuture
Conjugation of besar
beso  besas  besa  besamos  besáis  besan  besaba  besabas  besaba  besábamos  besabais  besaban  besé  besaste  besó  besamos  besasteis  besaron  besaré  besarás  besará  besaremos  besaréis  besarán