Spanish Dictionary

Translation of showcase in Spanish

the showcase     la vitrina    

Translation by Vocabulix

Sample sentences:
She looked intently at the jewels inside the showcase.

Miró fijamente a las joyas en el interior de la vitrina.

Our day came to an end and Samu brought us back to the hotel. We agreed to take a ride with him one more time and that was on the way to the airport. We took his cellphone number just in case.
We headed back to the hotel with a rickshaw, as usual in this part of the world they drove like crazy but it was hilarious. We went to sleep immediately and did not wake up the entire night.
My daughter is 12 years old and my son is 6. They are both in school. It is so beautiful to see them grow up, but time passes too fast. I wish you also a lot of happiness. Best wishes form Austria.
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