Spanish Dictionary

Translation of urna

la urna     the urn    ; the ballot box

Pronunciation of urna    

Translation by Vocabulix


Sample sentences:
La voluntad de su marido era ser incinerado y ella puso sus cenizas en una urna.

Her husband's will was to be cremated and she put his ashes in an urn.
la urna ballot box

The lack of political stability is not new to South America and I believe that the different views among them added up so much that conflicts are not avoidable anymore. Look for example what happened.
The place I have been to is famous for its many language schools. People come from all over the world to learn Spanish and practise their language skills. I guess there are more than two hundred schools there.
Usually I do not care too much about not getting change, but when you pay a 3 dollar ride with 50 dollars, you do actually expect change. We stood there for a while and neither of us knew what to do.
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